For those who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer, the anxiety of the surgical procedure and possible outcomes may be distressing. Fortunately, new technologies in surgery have combined the superior skills of the surgeon, the precision of robotic machinery and a computerized three-dimensional view of the prostate for a minimally invasive procedure. The benefits of robotic surgery may exceed the conventional open surgical removal of prostate cancer and provide patients with excellent outcomes. Conventional Prostatic Open Surgery vs. Endoscopic Surgery
In the past, traditional open-surgical procedures performed to remove cancerous prostate tissue involved a long vertical incision on the abdomen and proposed a high risk of injury to the delicate surrounding structures. Surgical patients may have experienced a long healing period and possibly injury to the nerves that innervate the bladder and erectile function. Urologists that use minimally invasive procedures, such as laparoscopic surgery, had to overcome the limited visibility of the prostate gland, the bladder and the vital nervous tissues. Urologists used smaller incisions and appreciated the decreased rate of infection, blood loss and less downtime for their patients. However, robotic surgery offers urologists the added benefits of superior visibility, precision, dexterity and control. The Procedure of Robotic Surgery The surgeon creates small incisions around the pelvis and inserts the robotic prostatectomy instruments into the area of the pelvis. While sitting comfortably at a computerized console, the urologist can view the three-dimensional, high resolution image of the prostate gland and surrounding structures. Through a new technology known as “motion scaling,” the surgeon moves the robotic instruments with unmatched precision to perform the finest of surgical measures with fewer traumas to the body organs and tissues. Enhanced Cancer Removal and Control During the procedure, the prostate gland and surrounding structures are viewed by the surgeon in high definition, and surgeons have noted that robotic surgery allows them to recognize and remove the cancerous prostate tissue with more accuracy and confidence. Less Risk of Blood Loss and Infection Smaller incisions translate into decreased bleeding and tissue trauma. Post-surgical robotic procedures use small incisions and do not carry the risk of large incisional bleeding in the abdominal-pelvic area. In addition, incisions heal quickly and don’t require the sutures, frequent dressing changes and drainage that an open prostatectomy would require. Generally, patients who have robotic surgeries enjoy a lower rate of infection. Return to Activities of Living Faster The less invasive procedure that uses robotics is less traumatic to the body tissues. The internal structures may be carefully scrutinized by the superior view of the surgeon and unaffected soft tissues are spared by the surgical scalpel. Thus, pain and soreness is limited and patients may experience a faster recovery. Fewer Risks of Incontinence or Erectile Dysfunction Due to the precision of the robotic instrument, the delicate organs and nerves that surround the prostrate may be left virtually unscathed as the surgeon removes the prostrate. Typically, as the prostate is removed in the surgical procedure, a temporary catheter is placed to join the bladder and the urethra for normal urinary function. Studies have shown that the vital nervous tissue to the bladder experiences less swelling post-robotic surgery and continence may be restored at a faster pace. Technology Improves Patient Outcomes A diagnosis of prostate cancer is challenging, however, new technologies and treatments are available to help with recovery and remission. In the past, men diagnosed with prostate cancer had fewer options for surgical procedures and treatment. Today, medical technology has more options for men to recover their health and enjoy a high-quality of life.
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5/16/2015 01:00:05 am
A determination of prostate malignancy is testing, then again, new innovations and medications are accessible to help with recuperation and abatement.
10/27/2015 08:11:20 am
Does prostate cancer surgery have any drawbacks?
10/27/2015 08:17:50 am
I wouldn't trust robots to do prostate canser surgery)
11/17/2015 08:21:01 pm
robotic surgery is risky, we can't trust more than human being.
10/13/2017 05:15:21 am
Prostate cancer is very common cancer among men. It usually starts in the prostate gland and easily treatable in its early stages, if you notice the symptoms. Now it is treatable with the Robotic surgery, thank for the news and great post.
I really like how you talked about using robotic surgeons to help remove cancerous cells from the prostate gland and surrounding structures. My dad is going in for testing of his prostate and is concerned he may have developed cancer. What you said about how surgeons have noticed that robotic surgery allowing them to recognize and remove the cancerous tissues with more accuracy and confidence was very interesting to me and I hope, if it is needed, my father will consider it as an option.
2/25/2021 08:21:35 am
Prostate cancer is very common in US among men and around 60 % of cases are diagnosed in men over the age of 65. Around 192,000 men are diagnosed with this cancer. Thanks for sharing the news about the robotic surgery for prostate cancer.
8/23/2021 02:26:43 am
The treatment of cancer is possible in few cases. The pain caused by cancer is uncontrollable sometime. You can choose medication like Tapentadol to control pain. It is advised to consult with doctor before consuming this med.
6/1/2022 01:56:37 pm
Going under the knife can be very stressful. Your article will help many to ease a bit of anxiety.
9/19/2022 04:19:15 pm
I find it interesting that robotic surgery allows surgeons to be more accurate and confident while removing cancerous tissues. I'd recommend finding a cancer treatment center that has surgeons who are very experienced with robotic surgery for prostate cancer. That way, they will be skilled and perform the procedure even more accurately.
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Author Zarar Bajwa, MD, is a licensed medical doctor Archives
June 2015
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