Psychiatric nursing at Blue Mountain Home Health Care, Inc. (BMHHC INC) is committed to the treatment of mental illness in our patients. We provide comprehensive, patient-centered psych care and outcome evaluation in the home.
The highly experienced psychiatric nurses at BMHHC INC provide comprehensive psych care in the home for optimal health. Our team provides health maintenance by managing the diagnosis and treatment of ychiatric disorders:
Assessment and discussion with patients about problems to develop the best Plan of Care.
Crisis intervention; assisting with patient care in a non- threatening manner to determine the cause for distress or anxiety. Use de-escalation techniques to help patients control behavior.
Administer medications including injections and monitor outcomes.
Identify the need and provide individual therapy with other health professionals, including cognitive behavior therapy.
Acceptable diagnoses are: depressive disorders, Bipolar disorders, anxiety disorders, schizophrenic disorders, psychotic disorders, chemical dependency disorders (withdrawal syndrome), and dementia.
Contact us to learn more about our services, or to arrange for a free consultation. For more information about in-home living assistance services please call us at 800-932-6615